Fishing The Green River

The Green River is loaded with Brown, Brook and Rainbow Trout.  In fact, according to some of the researchers from NC Wildlife, the Green River has the potential to produce record size Browns!  The Green River Ranch offers nearly 400 yards of private riverfront fishing for our guests to explore.

While all sections of the Green River are excellent angling, it’s important to note that each part of the river is managed in a different way.  The section from the powerhouse down to Fishtop Access Area is managed as wild trout waters.  From Fishtop down to Cove Creek, where the ranch his located, the river is managed under ‘Delayed Harvest’ regulations.  Downstream of Cove Creek the Green River is managed under regular hatchery supported rules of North Carolina.

Brook trout are most prevalent in the tributaries (Big Hungry River, Cove Creek, Camp Creek and Fulloms Creek) and above Fishtop Access Area.  Rainbows are scattered throughout the watershed and the Browns thrive in most of the river upstream of Cove Creek.

The season is open all year for fishing the Green River. 

  • Winter is best below the dam using midge imitations and everywhere on warm days.  Slow presentation is best.
  • Spring is the best time for fishing the Green river because of the natural hatch and all the little aquatic critters exciting the fish.  Match the hatch as they say!
  • Summer is okay because the water is released out of a lake and stays relatively cool.  The fish do seem to get a little sluggish during those hot July and August days.  As well the tubing companies choke the river so full you can’t even make a cast.
  • Fall is in our opinion the second best time of the year to fish the Green River.  Again follow the hatch and don’t be scared to try some worm imitations.

Always be sure you are up to date on your fishing license and you can easily grab one here:

Finally, keep in mind the water in the Green River is controlled by a dam and it can rise and fall very quickly and unexpectedly. 

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