Spring Flowers At The Green River Ranch

Flower Update In The Cove!

There’s a saying, ‘you can heal your mind with nature’s beauty’ and science says it’s true. Flowers’ bright colors and beauty can actually improve our moods, reduce anxiety, and be mentally healing.  There is even such a thing as flower therapy and we feel it down at The Green River Ranch! 

Springtime in the Cove is such a magical time.  After roughly 5 months of brown and bare, nature comes alive in such brilliant colors.  From deep red trillium low on the ground to Carolina Silver Bells high above, nature puts on a show from  April – June here in the Green River Gorge.  Read on to find out where and when you have the best chance to see some spectacular blooms here deep in the Green River Cove. 


Dwarf Iris (April) – Trillium (April) –  Lady Slippers (April/Early May)
BushesAzaleas (April/May) –  Flaming Azaleas  (Early/Mid May) – Mountain Laurels  (Late April/May) – Wild Roses (Late April/Early May) – Rhododendrons (Late May/June)


Tulip Magnolia (April) –  Redbuds  (April) – Carolina Silver Bells (April) – Dogwood, NC State Flower – (April)

One Special mention if you’re ever here in April, is it’s worth the 30-minute drive from The Green River Ranch to see the NC Arboretum and its Azalea garden. Representing nearly every species that grows in the United States. It is a sight to see for anyone who loves flowers.  Plus the cultivated gardens are beautiful all spring long. 

Enjoy some of these pictures from around The Green River Ranch and we hope someday you get to see the magic of this place during the Spring! 

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